Tyler Sarjeant "The Chase for the Championship"


Racers all across the Country are going stir crazy right now, we wanted to catch up with a few of our riders and Champions in the series to see how they are holding up.

Today we visit Austin, Tx as we check in with Tyler Sarjeant. Tyler came on the scene in 2019 at the season opener with fire in his eyes. Riding a garage built Sportster Hooligan bike, Tyler competed in the series narrowly missing the Championship at year end by a few points. He learned a lot last year, and is coming into 2020 just as hot as 2019 with a specific goal in mind. The Hooligan Championship #1 plate.

XFT: Hey Tyler! with no racing happening at the moment what have you been up to?

TYLER: Honestly, not as much as I would like to be doing. With the “lockdown” I have been mostly working long hours from home at my day job, but when I can get to the garage I have been working on bikes here and there.

XFT: Wait, you said bikes, as in plural. 2019 saw only 1 bike under the canopy, what secrets are you not sharing?

TYLER: Ha, ha - no “secrets” here. I was able to pick up a nice DTX CRF 450 in the offseason and figured I would add another class or 2 to the roster in 2020. I saw how much fun Mark Olley was having out there and since he is to scared to race Hooligan, I figured I would have to join him in order to beat him.

XFT: So what you are saying is you have been armed and ready for battle for months right?

TYLER: Well not exactly, with the COVID-19 scare things have been a little messed up, the 450 is solid, the Harley needs a little more tinkering but everything will be ready.

XFT: With the championship so close and coming down to the last race, are you planning on doing anything much different?

TYLER: 2019 was a learning year, we learned a lot. Yes my mindset is a bit different, but ultimately the main objective is to have fun!

XFT: With 2019 being your first year competing in the Xtreem Flattrack Series, what is some advise you may have for new riders who may be wanting to try flattrack?

TYLER: Honestly, I think the best way to get started is to just come out to a race. There are some incredible people at the races and most everyone is willing to help. I was welcomed in warmly and definitely would not have achieved the results I had without the help of those people. I would not worry about your bike, or equipment at first, that will all come with time. Just gather whatever setup you have and come have fun. It will all build from there.

XFT: That is some great advise. Who would you like to thank for helping you out heading into 2020?

TYLER: I have to thank my team Allied for supporting me and helping me chase the dream. Mike at Lozano Brothers Porting, Bret and his Family at Top Dead Center Cycles, the entire crew at Gruene Harley Davidson, Flattrack Coffee for keeping me caffeinated . My wife for also supporting me in all of this, helping out late long nights in the garage and at the track. Finally I have to say a special thank you to Ron Munson for taking me in and teaching me so much early on, may he rest in peace.

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